Peter Filichia, Theater Critic for the Star Ledger says...
Taubenslag makes the kids feel important, as if they play a real part in the destinies of ”Beauty and the Beast' And while tickets to Disney's show cost $75, six bucks gets you into Taubenslag's, which will give your child $75 worth of pleasure.
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Peter Filichia, of the Star Ledger Writes...
”Are you ready to cheer?” Michael Taubenslag asked the assembled throng. ”Yesss!” yelled the kids.
”Are you ready to laugh?” ”Yesss!” the kids insisted.
Cheer and laugh they did for the next 50 minutes, during the performance of ”Hercules” that Michael Taubenslag Productions had offered them.
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Family troupe brings classic to Hackensack
Children's Theater has always been a family affair for Michael Taubenslag. He and his brother and sister put on shows written by Dad, Elliott Taubenslag, while Mom worked the box office.
Read the full review »Taubenslag Productions offers just the right mix: classic tales told by a multicultural cast with some help from the audience.
Reaching out with a claw-like hand, an evil queen offers Snow White a shiny red apple as a crowd of children shouts warnings to the unknowing princess. Despite the audience's advice, Snow White takes the fatal bite and falls into a deathlike sleep.
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Pocahontas Strives to Promote Racial Harmony
If you find Disney's version of ”Pocahontas” a bit, well, not P.C., you might consider packing up the kids and bringing them out tomorrow to see a very different version of the classic tale.
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